
Fixed-Wing FPV UAVs

The rapid development of technology and the use of FPV drones has completely changed the nature of combat operations. The use of strike UAVs of fixed-wing type allows military personnel to target objectives at greater distances and with greater efficiency.

The specific operation of these assets requires the crew to have coordinated training and understanding of the topics covered during the theoretical part of the training. The course includes theoretical lectures, study and training on the operation of UAVs, training flights on simulators and trainers, and practical flight exercises with ground control stations.

Fixed-Wing FPV UAVs

Програми підготовки

The use of strike UAVs of fixed-wing type
10 days

Duration of training programs

  • The training is conducted according to a standardized program lasting 2 calendar weeks (10 working days).

    The course curriculum covers the following stages of crew preparation:

    Providing general theoretical knowledge about fixed-wing UAVs, piloting, operator activities, and factors affecting flight, etc.
    Training flights on simulators and trainers.
    Studying and practicing the tactics of using fixed-wing strike UAVs.
    Practical piloting and operator activities on UAVs from the manufacturer.
    The duration of the training program is 10 working days.


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